Academic Programs & Majors

Explore Academic Programs

North Park University offers more than 60 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, plus a wide range of certificate and pre-professional programs to choose from. Browse the directory below to learn more about individual degrees and certificates. You can search for programs by keyword or filter by degree of study, school, or program type.

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Concentration in Business (BA, BS)

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Undergraduate Concentration

Actuarial Science Certificate

Division of Sciences

Undergraduate Certificate

Advertising (BA, BS)

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Applied Computer Science (BA)

Division of Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree


Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Minor

Art (BA)

School of Music, Art & Theatre

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Art Education (K-12 Licensure with BA in Art)

School of Music, Art & Theatre

Undergraduate Certificate

Arts Management Certificate

School of Music, Art & Theatre

Undergraduate Certificate

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Division of Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)

School of Nursing

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Biblical and Theological Studies (BA)

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Bilingual Endorsement

School of Education

UndergraduateGraduate Certificate

Biochemistry (BA, BS)

Division of Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Biology (BA, BS)

Division of Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Biomedical Sciences (BA, BS)

Division of Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Business (BA, BS)

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Business Administration (BA)

School of Professional Studies

Bachelor's Degree Completion Major/Degree

Certificate in Accounting

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Certificate

Certificate in Christian Studies

Theological Seminary

Graduate Certificate

Certificate in Church Administration

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Certificate

Certificate in Conflict Management

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Certificate

Certificate in Economics

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Certificate

Certificate in Finance

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Certificate

Certificate in Fundraising Management

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Certificate

Certificate in Healthcare Management

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Certificate

Certificate in Higher Education Administration

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Certificate

Certificate in Human Resource Management

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Certificate

Certificate in Leadership

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Certificate

Certificate in Marketing Management

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Certificate

Certificate in Music for Social Change and Human Values

School of Music, Art & Theatre

Undergraduate Certificate

Certificate in Nonprofit Finance

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Certificate

Certificate in Nonprofit Governance

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Certificate

Certificate in Nonprofit Management

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Certificate

Certificate in Operations Management

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Certificate

Certificate in Organizational Development

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Certificate

Certificate In Spiritual Direction

Theological Seminary

Graduate Certificate

Certified Nonprofit Professional Credential

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Undergraduate Certificate

Chemistry (BA, BS)

Division of Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Combined Bilingual/ESL Endorsement

School of Education

UndergraduateGraduate Certificate

Communication Studies (BA)

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree


Concentration in Music (BA)

School of Music, Art & Theatre

Undergraduate Concentration

Conflict Transformation Studies (BA)

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Counseling Psychology (BA)

School of Professional Studies

Bachelor's Degree Completion Major/Degree

Creative Writing

Concentration in English (BA)

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Concentration

Criminal Justice (BA)

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Digital Marketing (BA)

School of Professional Studies

Bachelor's Degree Completion Major/Degree

Direct Entry Master of Science in Nursing

School of Nursing

Graduate Major/Degree

Doctor of Nursing Practice

School of Nursing

Doctoral Major/Degree


Concentration in Business (BS)

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Undergraduate Concentration

Education: Early Childhood (BA)

School of Education

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Education: Early Childhood Studies (Non-licensure Program) (BA)

School of Education

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Education: Elementary (BA)

School of Education

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Education: Elementary Studies (Non-licensure Program) (BA)

School of Education

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Education: Middle Grades (BA)

School of Education

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Education: Secondary / Senior High (BA, BS)

School of Education

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Engineering (BA)

Division of Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

English (BA)

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

English as a Second Language (ESL) Endorsement

School of Education

UndergraduateGraduate Certificate

Environmental Science (BA, BS)

Division of Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Executive Certificate in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Certificate

Exercise Science (BS)

Division of Health Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree


Concentration in Business (BS)

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Undergraduate Concentration

Fine Arts

Concentration in Art (BA)

School of Music, Art & Theatre

Undergraduate Concentration

Foundational Courses Certificate

Theological Seminary

Graduate Certificate

General Studies in Music

Concentration in Music (BA)

School of Music, Art & Theatre

Undergraduate Concentration

Graphic Design

Concentration in Art (BA)

School of Music, Art & Theatre

Undergraduate Concentration

Health Sciences (BS)

Division of Health Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

History (BA)

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Information Technology Minor

Division of Sciences

Undergraduate Minor

Intercultural Ministry Certificate

Theological Seminary

Graduate Certificate

Latino and Latin American Studies Minor

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Minor

LBS1 Special Education Approval

School of Education

UndergraduateGraduate Certificate


Concentration in English (BA)

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Concentration


Concentration in Business (BS)

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Undergraduate Concentration


Concentration in Business (BS)

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Undergraduate Concentration

Master of Arts in Christian Formation

Theological Seminary

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Arts in Christian Formation + MBA or MNA (Dual Degree)

Theological Seminary

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Arts in Christian Ministry

Theological Seminary

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Arts in Christian Ministry + MBA or MNA (Dual Degree)

Theological Seminary

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Arts in Christian Ministry with Restorative Arts Track

Theological Seminary

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

School of Professional Studies

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Arts in Education

School of Education

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Arts in Educational Leadership

School of Education

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Arts in Literacy, Language, and Culture

School of Education

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Arts in Teaching

School of Education

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Arts in Theological Studies

Theological Seminary

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Business Administration

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Divinity

Theological Seminary

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Divinity + MBA or MNA (Dual Degree)

Theological Seminary

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Higher Education Administration

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Human Resource Management

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Music in Performance

School of Music, Art & Theatre

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Nonprofit Administration

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Organizational Leadership

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Science in Athletic Training

Division of Health Sciences

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Science in Athletic Training 3+2 Option (BS+MS)

Division of Health Sciences

UndergraduateGraduate Major/Degree

Master of Science in Nursing: Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner

School of Nursing

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner

School of Nursing

Graduate Major/Degree

Master of Science in Nursing: Leadership and Management

School of Nursing

Graduate Major/Degree

Mathematics (BA, BS)

Division of Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Media Studies (BA)

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Middle Eastern Studies Minor

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Minor

Middle School Endorsement

School of Education

Graduate Certificate

Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (BA, BS)

Division of Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Music (BA)

School of Music, Art & Theatre

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Music Education (BME)

School of Music, Art & Theatre

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Nonprofit Management (BA, BS)

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Nonprofit Management (BA)

School of Professional Studies

Bachelor's Degree Completion Major/Degree

Organizational Management and Leadership (BA)

School of Professional Studies

Bachelor's Degree Completion Major/Degree


School of Music, Art & Theatre

Undergraduate Concentration

PharmD 3+3

Division of Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Philosophy (BA)

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Physical Education (BA, BS)

Division of Health Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Politics and Government (BA)

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Post-Bachelor's Teacher Licensure

School of Education

Graduate Certificate

Post-Master's Certificate: Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner

School of Nursing

Graduate Certificate

Post-Master's Certificate: Family Nurse Practitioner

School of Nursing

Graduate Certificate

Pre-Art Therapy

School of Music, Art & Theatre

Undergraduate Pre-Professional Program


Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Pre-Professional Program


Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Pre-Professional Program


Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Pre-Professional Program

Pre-Occupational Therapy

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Pre-Professional Program


Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Pre-Professional Program


Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Pre-Professional Program

Pre-Physical Therapy

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Pre-Professional Program

Pre-Veterinary Medicine

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Pre-Professional Program

Psychology (BA, BS)

Division of Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Public Policy Major

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

RN-to-BSN Degree Completion

School of Nursing

Bachelor's Degree Completion Major/Degree

Scandinavian Studies (Minor)

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Minor

Sociology (BA)

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Spanish (BA)

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Major/Degree

Sport Management

Concentration in Business (BS)

School of Business & Nonprofit Management

Undergraduate Concentration

Supply Chain Management (BA)

School of Professional Studies

Bachelor's Degree Completion Major/Degree

Theatre Minor

School of Music, Art & Theatre

Undergraduate Minor

Transformative Justice Certificate

Theological Seminary

Graduate Certificate

Women's and Gender Studies Minor

Division of Humanities & Social Sciences

Undergraduate Minor
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